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A simple browser application

This section shows how to create a simple browser - this one is based on code from John Ousterhout.

#This is based on browser program from John Ousterhout
#It allows files to be selected for editing.
#Double click selection on text file initiates editing.
#Double click selection on directory initiates new browser.

if {$argc >0} {set dir [lindex $argv 0]} else {set dir "."} wm title . "Directory : $dir"

#Set editor program - to editor of choice set editor "edit25.tcl"

frame .f1 scrollbar .f1.scrollit -command ".f1.list yview"

listbox .f1.list -yscroll ".f1.scrollit set" -relief raised -geometry 20x20 pack .f1.scrollit -side right -fill y pack .f1.list -side left -expand yes -fill both

#pack listbox above button button .button1 -text "QUIT" -command {destroy .} pack .f1 .button1 -fill x

proc browse {dir file} { global editor puts $dir puts $file if {{[ string compare $dir "."]} !=0} {set file $dir/$file} if [file isdirectory $file] { exec browse $file & } else { if [file isfile $file] { exec $editor $file & } else { puts "$file isn't a directory or regular file\n" } } }

foreach i [exec ls -a $dir] { .f1.list insert end $i }

bind .f1.list <Control-q> {destroy .} bind .f1.list <Control-c> {destroy .} bind .f1.list <Double-Button-1> {foreach i [selection get] {browse $dir $i}} focus .f1.list

This browser should be usable, although is not very sophisticated. An obvious Improvement would be to provide more choice of which files are displayed, for example:

Such modifications are left for the reader.
Fri Aug 19 16:55:19 BST 1994