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Furry Joker Club
Preference Card Game

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User: vpertsel

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Fortunately, Furry Joker is lynx-friendly and is proud of it!

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Lynx dictionary:

[s7][sj]-- 7 and Jack of Spades
[c8][cq]-- 8 and Queen of Clubs
[d9][dk]-- 9 and King of Diamonds
[h0][ha]-- 10 and Ace of Hearts

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01. Declared: 8 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][s0][sa][c7][c8][d7][dj][dq][h7] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][dk][da][hk]

[s7][c9][c0][d8][d9][d0][h0][hj][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 9 and 8 of hearts. [h8][h9]

Furry Joker answers

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02. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][s0][sa][c8][c9][d7][hj][hk][h0] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca][dq][dk]

[s7][c7][d8][d9][d0][dj][da][h9][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 8 and 7 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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03. Declared: 8 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][s0][sq][dk][h0][hj][hq][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sk][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][da][h9]

[sj][c7][ca][d7][d8][d9][d0][dj][dq][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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04. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[sa][c7][c8][d8][d9][d0][dj][dk][h9][h0] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sq][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][da][hk]

[s7][s8][s9][c9][c0][d7][dq][hj][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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05. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][c9][c0][d7][dk][h0][hq][ha] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][dq][da][hj]

[sq][sa][c7][c8][d8][d9][d0][dj][h9][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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06. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s9][s0][ck][d8][d9][h9][h0][hj][hq][hk] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sk][c7][c8][c9][c0][ca][d7][dk][da]

[s7][s8][sq][sa][cj][cq][d0][dj][dq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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07. Declared: 8 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s9][s0][sa][c8][d7][d8][h9][h0][hj][hk] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][dk][da]

[s7][s8][c7][ca][d9][d0][dj][dq][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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08. Declared: 9 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][ca][dq][dk][da][h9][h0][hj][hk] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sq][sk][sa][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck]

[s7][c7][c8][d7][d8][d9][d0][dj][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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09. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][c7][ca][d9][d0][dj][dq][hj][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][dk]

[s9][s0][sk][d7][d8][da][h9][h0][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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10. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][sa][c0][d7][d8][d9][h9][hq][ha] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sq][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][dj][dk]

[s7][c7][c8][c9][d0][dq][da][h0][hj][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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11. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][sk][sa][c0][d9][h7][h8][h9][hk][ha] 1 hand

declarer [s9][s0][sj][sq][cj][cq][ck][ca][dj][dk]

[s7][c7][c8][c9][d0][dq][da][h0][hj][hq] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of diamonds. [d7][d8]

Furry Joker answers

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12. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[c7][c8][c9][c0][d7][d8][dq][da][hj][hk] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][sa][cj][cq][ck][ca][h9][h0]

[s7][s8][s9][s0][d9][d0][dj][dk][hq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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13. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s9][s0][sj][sq][c7][d8][d9][d0][hk][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sk][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][ck][d7][dk][da]

[s7][s8][cq][ca][dj][dq][h9][h0][hj][hq] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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14. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][s0][c8][c9][d9][d0][h9][hq][ha] 1 hand

declarer [s7][sj][sa][c0][cj][cq][ca][d7][d8][da]

[sq][sk][c7][ck][dj][dq][dk][h0][hj][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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15. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][c7][cq][ck][d0][dj][da][h0][hj][hq] 1 hand

declarer [s7][s9][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][ca][d7][dk]

[s0][sj][sq][sk][d8][d9][dq][h9][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

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16. Declared: 8 without trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][sk][cj][cq][d8][d9][h7][h0][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sq][sa][ck][ca][dq][dk][da][hj][hk][ha]

[s0][sj][c8][c9][c0][d7][d0][dj][h8][h9] 3 hand

Discarded: 9 of spades and 7 of clubs. [s9][c7]

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17. Declared: 6 of diamonds. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s0][sq][sa][c7][c0][d9][d0][dj][hq][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sk][ca][d7][d8][dq][dk][da][hj][hk]

[s7][s8][s9][cj][cq][ck][h7][h8][h9][h0] 3 hand

Discarded: 8 and 9 of clubs. [c8][c9]

Furry Joker answers

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18. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][sk][sa][cj][cq][d8][d9][d0][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][c7][c8][c9][ck][ca][d7][dk][da]

[s9][s0][c0][dj][dq][h9][h0][hj][hq][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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19. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][sa][ck][ca][d8][d9][h9][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sq][sk][c7][c8][c9][c0][dk][da][hk][ha]

[s0][sj][cj][cq][d0][dj][dq][h8][h0][hj] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of diamonds and 7 of hearts. [d7][h7]

Furry Joker answers

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20. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][sa][cj][cq][d8][d9][h9][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sq][sk][c7][c8][c9][c0][dk][da][hk][ha]

[s0][sj][ck][ca][d0][dj][dq][h8][h0][hj] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of diamonds and 7 of hearts. [d7][h7]

Furry Joker answers

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21. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][s0][cj][cq][dq][da][hj][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sk][c7][c8][c9][ck][ca][dj][dk][h9]

[sq][sa][c0][d7][d8][d9][d0][h0][hq][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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22. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][sa][cj][ck][dj][dk][h9][h0][hj][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][c7][c8][c9][c0][ca][da][hk]

[s8][s9][s0][cq][d7][d8][d9][d0][dq][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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23. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][c7][c8][d0][dj][dq][dk][h0][hj][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sk][c9][c0][cj][ck][d8][da][ha]

[s8][s9][s0][sa][cq][ca][d9][h7][h8][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of diamonds and 9 of hearts. [d7][h9]

Furry Joker answers

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24. Declared: 9 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s7][s8][s9][s0][sj][d7][d8][d9][d0][h7] 1 hand

2 hand [c7][c8][c9][c0][h9][h0][hj][hq][hk][ha]

[sq][sk][sa][ca][cj][cq][ck][dq][dk][da] declarer

Discarded: jack of diamonds and 8 of hearts. [dj][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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25. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s0][sj][sq][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][dj][dk] declarer

2 hand [sa][c7][c8][c9][d7][d8][d9][hj][hq][hk]

[s7][s8][s9][c0][d0][dq][da][h9][h0][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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26. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s9][s0][sj][sk][cj][cq][ck][ca][dj][dq] declarer

2 hand [s7][s8][c7][c8][d7][dk][da][h9][h0][ha]

[sq][sa][c9][c0][d8][d9][d0][h7][h8][hk] 3 hand

Discarded: jack and queen of hearts. [j7][q8]

Furry Joker answers

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27. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s7][sj][sk][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca][dj][dq] declarer

2 hand [s9][s0][sa][d8][d9][h8][h9][h0][hj][hq]

[s8][sq][c7][c8][c9][d0][dk][da][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of diamonds and 7 of hearts. [d7][h7]

Furry Joker answers

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28. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s9][s0][sk][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca] declarer

2 hand [sj][sq][c7][d0][dj][dk][da][h7][h8][h9]

[s7][s8][sa][d7][d8][d9][dq][h0][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: jack and queen of hearts. [hj][hq]

Furry Joker answers

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29. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][sj][sq][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca] declarer

2 hand [s7][sk][sa][d7][d8][h7][h8][h9][hq][hk]

[s9][s0][c7][d9][d0][dq][da][h0][hj][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: jack and king of diamonds. [dj][dk]

Furry Joker answers

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30. Declared: 8 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s0][sq][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca] declarer

2 hand [s8][s9][sk][dj][dq][dk][da][h9][h0][hj]

[s7][sj][c7][d7][d8][d9][d0][hq][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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31. What trumps to choose?

[c0][cj][cq][ck][ca][d7][d8][d9][dj][dk] declarer

2 hand [sk][sa][c7][c8][c9][d0][dq][da][hj][hk]

[s7][s8][s9][s0][sj][sq][h7][h8][h9][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 10 and queen of hearts. [hq][h0]

Furry Joker answers

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32. How many tricks to declare?

[sq][sk][sa][cq][ck][ca][dq][dk][hq][hk] declarer

2 hand [s9][s0][sj][c9][c0][cj][d9][d9][h8][h9]

[s7][s8][c7][c8][d0][dj][da][h0][hj][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of diamonds and 7 of hearts. [d7][h7]

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33. What pair of cards to discard?


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34. What pair of cards to discard?


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35. What pair of cards to discard?


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36. How to play respassee correctly?

[sk][c7][ck][d7][d9][d0][da][h7][h9][hq] 1 hand

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37. How to play respassee correctly?


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38. Declared: 7 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s7][s8][sa][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca][da][dq] declarer

2 hand [sj][sq][sk][c7][c8][c9][dj][dk][hq][ha]

[s9][s0][d7][d8][d9][d0][h7][h8][h9][h0] 3 hand

Discarded: jack and king of hearts. [hj][hk]

Furry Joker answers

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39. Declared: 8 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s7][s8][c7][ca][d9][d0][dj][dq][hj][hq] 1 hand

declarer [sj][sq][sa][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][da]

[s9][s0][sk][d7][d8][dk][h9][h0][hk][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

Furry Joker answers

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40. Declared: 9 with no trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s0][sj][sa][cq][ck][ca][dk][da][hk][ha] declarer

2 hand [s8][s9][sq][sk][c7][c8][c9][c0][cj][hq]

[d7][d8][d9][d0][dj][dq][h8][h9][h0][hj] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of hearts and 7 of spades. [s7][h7]

Furry Joker answers

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41. Declared: 9 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[d7][d8][d9][d0][dj][h7][h8][h9][h0][hj] 1 hand

2 hand [s9][s0][sj][sq][sk][sa][c7][c8][c9][c0]

[cj][cq][ck][ca][dq][dk][da][hq][hk][ha] declarer

Discarded: 7 and 8 of spades. [s7][s8]

Furry Joker answers

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42. Try to play 7 (with any trump You want).

[c7][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][d7][d8][dq][hj][hk] declarer

2 hand [s7][sk][dj][dk][da][h7][h8][h0][hq][ha]

[s8][s9][s0][sj][sq][sa][ca][d9][d0][h9] 3 hand

Furry Joker answers

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43. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[c7][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][d7][d8][d9][hj][hk] declarer

2 hand [s7][sk][dj][dk][da][h7][h8][h0][hq][ha]

[s8][s9][s0][sj][sq][sa][ca][d0][dq][h9] 3 hand

Furry Joker answers

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44. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s9][s0][sj][sk][cq][ca][d7][h0][hj][ha] 1 hand

declarer [sq][sa][c9][c0][cj][ck][d9][da][h9][hk]

[s7][s8][c7][c8][d0][dj][dq][dk][h8][hq] 3 hand

Discarded: 7 of hearts and 8 of diamonds. [h7][d8]

Furry Joker answers

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45. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[sq][sk][c7][ca][d9][d0][dj][dk][h7][h0] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sa][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][hq][hk]

[s7][s8][s9][c8][d7][d8][dq][da][hj][ha] 3 hand

Discarded: 8 and 9 of hearts. [h8][h9]

Furry Joker answers

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46. 9 of diamonds was declared by mistake, and was won. What is the layout?

[c7][c8][c9][c0][cj][cq][ck][ca][d7][da] 1 hand

Furry Joker answers

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47. Declared: 6 with clubs as trumps. How many tricks can the opponents win?

[s8][s9][s0][sj][sk][c7][ck][dq][dk][ha] 1 hand

2 hand [s7][c8][c9][d9][d0][dj][h9][h0][hj][hk]

[sq][sa][c0][cj][cq][ca][d7][d8][da][hq] declarer

Discarded: 7 and 8 of hearts. [h7][h8]

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48. You are the first hand. How many tricks to declare?


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49. Ed. Lasker. Misere. How many tricks can You force the declarer to take?

[s7][sa][c7][cj][d8][dq][dk][da][h0][ha] 1 hand

declarer [s8][c8][c9][d7][d9][dj][h7][h9][hj][hk]

[sj][sq][sk][c0][cq][ck][ca][d0][h8][hq] 3 hand

Discarded: [s9][s0]

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50. Combine the remaining cards so, that the declarer would be able to play the highest possible game.


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51. You are playing the first hand and have just bidden to play 9. The widow you have received contained 7 and 9 of hearts. What should the layout be to allow You to win the current deal?


Discarded: [h7][h9]

Furry Joker answers

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52. Declared: 6 with spades as trumps. How many tricks can the declarer win?

[s7][sa][c7][ca][d7][dj][dk][h8][h0][hq] 1 hand

declarer [s0][sj][sq][sk][cj][cq][ck][h9][hk][ha]

[s8][s9][c8][c9][c0][d8][d9][da][h7][hj] 3 hand

Discarded: [d0][dq]

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53. You are playing misere the first hand. What cards to drop?


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54. The real player of the previous misere had Discarded 8 of spades and 10 of hearts, and lead the first trick with 7 of clubs. How many tricks can he get?

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55. Spades are the trumps. First hand leads. The declarer is playing the third hand. The goal is not to concede a single trick to the declarer.

[s0][sq][c7][c9][d0][h0][hj] 1 hand

2 hand [s7][sa][d7][d8][da][h7][ha]

[s9][sj][ca][dq][dk][hq][hk] declarer

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56. Could the situation from the previous task happen in a real game?

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