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Welcome to our small "Arda-na-Kulichkah" or (loosely translated) "Arda-at-Nowhere"!

Our "Arda" is an island, one of the many islands of the Russian TriWial archipelago "Chertovy Kulichki", in a boundless ocean of the World Wide Web.

Our havens are open to everybody who loves books by J.R.R.Tolkien, and we'll do our best to provide all of you with something interesting. But this site is oriented mainly to the Russian tolkienists. If you know Russian, we recommend you to visit the Russian version of "Arda-na-Kulichkah". It contains a lot more material and is updated more frequently. You see, a great part of Russian Tolkienist art is based not only on the works by Professor himself but on its Russian translations and Russian humor. Unfortunately, it's virtually untranslatable.

And even the serious poetry and prose that is translatable, has never been translated, either. Sorry, folks.

An important part of the activity of Russian fans of J.R.R.T. are live action role-playing games. On our pages, you will find information about Tolkien RPG organizations in Russia and about the annual Hobbit Games - one of the major events of the fandom.

What you see in front of you are road signs. They will lead you to sights of our island. Proceed, traveler!

If you come up with questions or suggestions, please write to us, The Keepers of "Arda-na-Kulichkah".

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