Vladimir A. Pertsel

"Vladimir_A.Pertsel" <vpertsel@allot[dot]com>


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What does "Vladimir" mean

"Vladimir" means "The Master of the Universe" in Russian

About myself

I was born on 6 of December 1956, in the Palatka settelment of Magadan region, Russia. My grandparents in Sverdlovsk got a news of me being born on 5 of December 1956. That was how I had started collecting paradoxes and puzzles.

Lived in Sverdlovsk, Moscow, Tel-Aviv, Haifa. Studied in the Kolmogorov's physics and mathematics boarding school at the Moscow University, Urals university, Weizmann institute of sciences.

Candidate of sciences (which corresponds to Ph.D.). My postgraduate thesis was devoted to the optimal control under uncertainty.

Tought the high mathemathics and statistics to the young cooks and shop assistaints at the Sverdlovsk Institute for the National Economy. Worked as a mathematician in the Institute for Plant and Animal Ecology (the Soviet Academy of Sciences). After my relocation to Israel I am mainly working as a software engineeer and algorithmist.

I participate in Russian Usenet news groups relcom.rec.puzzles, and relcom.humor. I have got a small collection of the atheist anecdotes in Russian.

I can speak:

My leisure activities are extremely diverse and are changed from time to time. I know a lot about the polar explorations and card games, chess, gardening and UseNet. I had won the All-Soviet-Union school mathematical competition in 1973 and had the the second prise in 1972 and 1974. You can find the problems of those competitions in http://www.kulichki.com/puzzles/puzzles/selected/RusMath.html. I did not participate in the international olympiad because I could not obtain an international passport, but my son did participate -- in 1996, though he was in the Israel team.

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